Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Spring Break Trip to Home

This week while many of my friends are in Florida and the Carolinas, I am at home.  Not stuck at home, might I clarify.

Yesterday was filled with laundry and mowing the grass.  I had never used the new lawn mower before and since it was the only one with the deck attached, I had no choice.  It was quite the experience.  I had an extra foot of deck space, making it a faster job and a booger to navigate in some places.

After I finished the front yard, it was time to mow between the pasture and the highway.  As I was mowing along the ditch, the mower came to a stop.  No amount of turning, backing up or anything would get me unstuck.  So I called Dad to bring it to his attention for when he came home.

The ground is also extremely wet at the moment.  I would try to go up a hill, get stuck, back up, get stuck again, back up, get stuck once more, and decided that patch of grass can wait and took a little detour around the problem area.

Now there is a little blonde in me and as I am very prone to allergies, I was a little crazy to mow yesterday when the pollen was as high as it would be all week.  Today I am enjoying the allergy meds, tylenol, and a nap to overcome the monstrous pollen count.

Thursday I get to make a trip to Sedalia to interview for an internship with the Missouri State Fair.  I also get to pick up my nephew in Jeff City afterwards to make it all the more worthwhile.  Wish me luck!

Until later,


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Securing our Safety

Today in accounting, a good friend of mine and I were talking about how the public does not understand why they are not allowed inside a poultry operation.  I urge all of you to help the public understand that this is for the health of both the consumer and the animal as the following video explains:

Have a great day!
